We’re all going on an autumn holiday…

lets hope it does rain the whole time…

I have never been to Velddrif and although it wasn’t first choice I have to admit that amid the mild panic that is slowly setting in, panic because I haven’t even bought a single scrap of food for the trip, or even packed a bag (although I have made a list-Progress!) but my Pedi is booked<It is all a question of priorities> I am now rather looking forward to exploring this hidden gem!

In preparation for the exploration the DH is getting tips from his father this evening on worthy places to visit, amongst which he keeps on teasing me, will be all of the harbours in the vicinity.

<My father in law’s idea of exploring a new town is driving to the harbour, and buying some sort of dried/smoked fish with a truly offensive odour (aren’t they all?) and eating it in the car, much to the chagrin of all of those present, well the ones of the fairer sex in any event.  So bad is this habit that when he offers to drive around the day to ‘explore’ none will take him up on his offer. 

The last one of these excursions still etched in our minds…It was a particularly dreary day, we were in Hermanus for the weekend and there wasn’t much to do except to take a drive.  To truly appreciate the fear about driving with my father in law-bless him-you have to take a drive with him.  He is a big man, and always drives a 4×4 of some sorts, at rather high speed, while checking his cell phone (which might as well be surgically attached to his ear/hand) while simultaneously drinking coffee and playing with the GPS, all while he is veering in and out of his lane (I am a nervous passenger, but my MIL wins this contest hands down). With every leap out of his lane, or electronic squeal of the press of a button, her cheeks tend to puff up a millimetre more. On this particular day we (he) were driving around aimlessly, for hours.  He drove so fast through the town we could barely catch a glimpse of the place, and where does he come to a halt? The harbour…

By this time the atmosphere in the car was so thick you would need a chainsaw to hack through it  We stood there for what seemed like hours, in fact it was barely fifteen minutes, but it was fifteen minutes too many.  Just when we thought the day could not possibly get worse, my father got into the car with a pack of the most vile-smelling bokkoms I have ever had the misfortune of sharing a car with, and he proceeded to drive back to Hermanus. End of trip.  The men were chuffed on their day out, the girls, not so much.>

Harbour visits? Not unless I have anything to say on the matter.  But explore we shall!

Here is to sugar induced hyperactivity, crackling fires, good wine, great company, long walks along the river bed and afternoon naps! Oh and not to forget the night-time Easter-egg hunt I have planned, gotta love Woolies’ glow in the dark eggs!

Have a Happy Easter everyone!


Touchy, aren’t we?

I have never been the touchy feely type, that is just not who I am.

I can blame the fact that my parents were divorced when I was very young and I did not grow up in an affectionate home, I can…but I won’t.

Fact is, most social situations make me uncomfortable.  I never quite know how to handle them.  When meeting up, do I air-kiss or hug?  How tight should the hug be? How long should I maintain the hug? When I am supposed to kiss? Is it an air-kiss or do I kiss on the cheek?  Does one follow the same guidelines as with dates? (After 2 dates you kiss, that sort of thing, I don’t want to be seen as an air-kiss slut)

These social intricacies are fraught with anxiety and always leave me sort of shifting uncomfortably in one spot wondering whether I just did the right thing and when I am going to be unmasked as the social leper that I am.

Then I quaff another glass of wine to try and hide my discomfort.  Alcohol is the best social lubricant there is, but unfortunately people do tend to raise their eyebrows if you break out the booze at a kitchen tea/christening sort of soirée (One of the many reasons I am so incredibly grateful for book-glug)

It is all rather odd that I find these situations so difficult as I grew up on a staunch Afrikaans home, one of those where it is customary to kiss your parents (whether you are a boy or a girl).  Where, according to my husband, he has to kiss my parents even when he just wants to go out for a smoke break.

I am convinced that Someone up there has a sick sense of humour, because, along with my social inadequacies I am an extrovert.  I have no qualms on speaking to strangers, heck given half a chance I would strike up a conversation with a broomstick-just as long as that broomstick doesn’t try and touch me.

Maybe this discomfort is borne out of that fact that I find it truly difficult to believe that people find me interesting and even worth while taking the time to spend time with me.  I am deeply distrustful and confess that most of the time spent with others I secretly ponder what it is that they really want from me?  This is why blogging was so appealing to me.  What I am unable to say, I can write about.  Even if no-one reads it, it is out there and I don’t live quite as much in my head as I would normally do (it is quite a scary place to be on any given day).

But I digress…

What I really wondered about, is how does, someone like me, make sure that my son does not end up with the same issues?


not so green

I am not a greenie, not my any strech of the imagination.

I have thankfully, outgrown my liking for tie-die and have never felt the need to stop shaving my underarms and move to Noordhoek.  That being said I cannot stand it when people wantonly just mess with the environment.

Like people throwing their garbage out the car window (seriously? under what rock did you crawl out from?)

One such shining example is the idiot with the white Toyota Quantum that drove in front of me on Boyes Drive this morning.  Dude I took your registration number and you can expect some love-mail from the City soon!

I would thought when that tourist was found guilty of culpable homicide it would scare these offenders into just doing the right thing, but apparently not…